Online Investigations Pty Ltd, your preferred Private Investigator Melbourne investigates.
Based on the latest detective techniques and methods shown on our favourite television shows, it is easy to see how there are so many misconceptions about what a licensed private investigator can obtain in Australia. Not only are these shows fiction, the majority of these come out of America where access to information is significantly more accessible than public records in Australia.
It goes without saying that prior to an individual engaging a private investigator they would have without doubt done a significant amount of research on their own account. Typically their attempts would have failed due to time restraints and knowledge level however there are those who know only too well it’s because the information quite simply is not legally obtainable.
If you are considering hiring a private investigator, it is worth understanding what information is NOT available without the signed consent of the individual it relates to.
Please note: While specific information may vary from State to State, it is generally accepted that the following information is unable to be obtained:
Immigration Records
Criminal and Traffic History
Medical History
An individuals credit report (A public report can be obtained which contains Bankruptcy,Judgments/Court Writs however does NOT contain defaults)
Vehicle registration details
Birth records within 100 years (Range varies from State to State)
Death records within 30 years (Range varies from State to State)
Marriage records within 50 years (Range varies from State to State)
Divorce records (Range varies from State to State)
Centrelink / child support records
Phone Records
Banking Records
Trust Accounts
Land Title ownership by Name (with the exception of VIC, NSW, QLD and WA)
Prisoner Records
Sex Offender Records
Surprised? With this said, we understand how important obtaining this information may be for supporting your case. Although there are obvious misconceptions about what records private detectives can obtain, the skill of a seasoned investigator involves finding out why our client requires this information and identifying alternative, lawful methods to provide a successful result. This may involve researching media, court records, making local inquiries, speaking with associates etc to obtain the information required.
Of course these techniques, no matter how experienced an investigator is, will be able to gain lawful access to an individuals private email account or social networking messages (and for those who are wondering – and there are many of you- your only chance at this is via forensic recovery on a machine they have had access to).
If you are considering hiring a private investigator in Australia, it’s important to understand that requesting information by unlawful methods may result in a very blunt response from your Investigator. Even worse if you expect to obtain this information for a couple of bucks. Quite simply, Private Investigators are not going to risk their livelihood and career for one individual – no matter how desperate your situation or how much you are prepared to pay them.
There are clearly some misconceptions about what private investigators can obtain – but a smart investigator will be able to offer you suitable alternatives.
Online Investigations Pty Ltd are a private investigation company based in Melbourne, Australia. Experienced private investigators and detectives in Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia and Worldwide. Servicing Canberra, Sydney, Darwin, Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and International.
russell · July 10, 2012 at 7:59 pm
some people put a camera in my room and recorded sexal embarrassing stuff and are loading it on the net
Online Investigations Team · July 10, 2012 at 8:10 pm
Russell please use our contact form to discuss this matter further.
The Online Investigations Team
Tone · October 24, 2013 at 1:27 am
So what happen if I got scammed on gumtree or ebay? Is it worth to get private investigation done since phone record, bank record etc is unable to obtain?
steve · October 24, 2019 at 11:18 am
can a private investigator obtain access to my emails and social media?